Therapy Exercise Room
We can help you outfit your therapy gym with the advanced and patented tools you need to make the best impression and create the most effective treatment programs. Functional training can help improve many patient conditions, from muscle atrophy and incontinence to pressure ulcers and falls. These same outcomes affect reimbursements and your bottom line.
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Sed convallis varius lectus at volutpat. Mauris fringilla dictum risus. Pellentesque neque tortor, malesuada in posuere ac, commodo et nisl. Vivamus massa turpis, porttitor scelerisque bibendum vel, eleifend sed neque. In elementum, magna et porta viverra, metus nunc lacinia diam, eget vehicula risus augue in odio. Nullam sed neque erat. Integer eget tincidunt dolor, et fringilla justo.